Play Group
For more info call Marissa at 586-202-8804.
Income Tax Forms

Library has limited State and Federal forms. Go to to download if need specialized forms.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Michigan eLibrary Catalog and Inter-library loan service. The Library has been using this service for 19 years! There are more than 435 Libraries included with over 34 million items to borrow. Patrons can order items from MelCat HERE!
Consumer Reports Online
Consumer Reports online allows patrons to find product reviews and ratings. Available outside of Library with user name: jordanvalley and pass: library25! Click HERE to access. It is also available on the Library app under Research Databases.
Library App
Download the Library app at your app store under Jordan Valley District Library. It will allow you to put items on hold, renew items, download digital books, audios, magazines & newspapers, database access, melcat ordering and more. The app allows your digital Library barcode to be scanned when checking out at the Library. Below are the directions on using the Library app.
Outside Lockers to pick up holds!
The Library has outside lockers for patrons to pick up their holds 24/7! You can put an item on hold through the website, through Jordan Valley District Library app, or by calling the Library. Directions on how to put items on hold and how to use the lockers is in the following attachment.
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